Migrating a .Net project to dotnet core

3 min read

Migrating a dotNet project to dotnet core

A request was raised on Github to have Search Extensions support dotnet core. This post documents the steps taken as part of that migration in the hope that it may be useful to someone else.

<p class="nuget-badge"><code>PM> Install-Package NinjaNye.SearchExtensions</code></p>

The solution I am upgrading (Search Extensions) consists of the following projects:

  • 1 class library
  • 3 test projects

NOTE: This blog assumes that you are using VS2017. You can download the Community edition free from the visual studio downloads page.

Upgrading the .csproj

First step was edit the .csproj file from the main (class library) project. You can open the .csproj in a text editor or simply, right click the project and select "Edit [Project_name].csproj". Once you have the editor open you need to clear the contents and replace it with the following snippet to make the project load on netstandard1.6:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Once this is complete, in Visual Studio 2017, reload and build the solution. This will highlight, through build errors, any incompatible code and identify which NuGet packages you need to install. At this point you have a list of errors that need fixing before you can proceed.

In order to get the project to build, you will most likely need to dive into your Assembly.cs, and potentially remove it altogether. Before you do so, remember to migrate your project meta data to your .csproj.

If you take advantage of the [assembly:InternalsVisibleTo] then your will need to keep this in your Assembly.cs

Targeting multiple frameworks

Upgrading my test projects was a little more involved, firstly because I wanted to test my code on both dotnet core and net461, and secondly because I wanted to migrate my NUnit tests to XUnit.

Fortunately, with the new xml based project files you can target multiple frameworks fairly simply:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <Description>Unit test project for Search Extensions</Description>

Note that the <TargetFramework> element has been altered to <TargetFrameworks>.

Again, the above step will remove all referenced projects and packages. To reference my project under test I was able to add the following code after the closing </PropertyGroup> node (alternatively you can let VS2017 perform this for you using the UI):

  <ProjectReference Include="..\NinjaNye.SearchExtensions\NinjaNye.SearchExtensions.csproj" />

Once complete I could then address my second problem. Porting my NUnit tests to XUnit. This was simply a case of installing the XUnit nuget package on the project and replacing a bunch of [Test] attributes with [Fact]... well that and a bunch of assertion tweaks but you get the idea.

Which NetStandard api?

So my project had been converted and my tests were running (on multiple frameworks). The last piece in the puzzle was to decide which NetStandard framework to support. Essentially, the earlier you go the greater the amount of frameworks your code can run on. This is at the expense of the richness of the api you integrate with. In the end you don't choose which api to use... it chooses you!

To do this, you simply swap out netstandard1.6 for netstandard1.5 in the .csproj, build the code and, based on the errors, make a decision as to whether you can support the younger framework. In my case I was able to go back to netstandard1.5 but when I tried netstandard1.4 the api did not have enough functionality to perform the actions I required.

If you find that netstandard1.6 is not yet rich enough to migrate to, it might be worth waiting for NetStandard 2.0. This release is due to have a huge amount of additional integration points.

The final conversion

If the above isn't clear, please feel free to leave a comment, or alternatively you can take a look at the SearchExtensions GitHub project and take a look around.

Finally, I'd like to thank Nick Mayne for his help during this conversion. Go check out his GitHub page or follow him on twitter @nicholasmayne

If you would like to know more about this or any other feature, please get in touch by adding a comment below, contact me on twitter (@ninjanye) or you can raise an issue on the github project

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